Bapco CPH

The growing importance of environmental awareness

Environmental awareness has been growing for about a century but just noticed a peak in the past decade. With the growing awareness, consumers are demanding more ecological & climate friendly products and services. A major goal here is to reduce carbon emissions from production, operations and in the end from the overall consumption.
While the demand for sustainable products and services is increasing, it is no longer questionable whether to operate in an economical friendly and meaningful way but it is becoming the new state of the art.
The industrial adhesives industry is no exception. We at cph renounce anything unnecessary and focus on the essential components. Already in the eighties we have set standards with regard to environmental protection and introduced the first biodegradable labelling adhesives to the market.
Ever since we are continuously developing new adhesives, water based as well as hotmelt, based on environmentally friendly raw materials that are biodegradable.
In addition to offering sustainable products to our clients, we at cph optimise our production and entire value chain.  We were the first German company to be validated in accordance with EUECO-AUDIT VO1836/93 and also have the verification in accordance with ISO 14001, making us overall green certified.
Let us together make a better contribution to the world.