Bapco CPH

cph group company history

From one-man operation to market leader
cph group is an international group of companies which is a global market leader in the area of label adhesives and operates in more than 70 countries, manufactures more than 300 different industrial adhesives in three production plants and exports them to more than 100 countries.

  • 1975Company foundation

  • 1977Start of production of Cellulose and starch based adhesives

  • 1983Development of the first biodegradable labelling adhesive

  • 1990Market leader for labelling adhesives

  • 1993/1994DIN EN ISO 9001 Certified

  • 1995First German company to have European Eco Audit certified through EMAS

  • 1998First overseas production site in Barnaul, Russia

  • 1999founding of cph industries, Moscow First production facility in the Ukraine

  • 2000Expansion of the production facility in Essen

  • 2010/2011launch of the "cph Labelling Academy"

  • 2012Completion of the production and development facility in Essen

  • 2013Development of the first biodegradable hot-melt adhesive

  • 2014New hot melt plant in Essen

  • 2015Founding of cph Penta in Italy

  • 2018Entrance business succession

+971 501049811