Bapco CPH

cph Deutschland Chemie wins German Excellency Award

cph Deutschland Chemie GmbH has been awarded with the German Excellency Award 2020 in the category “Established Venture – Sustainability & Environment”. “DISQ”, an external German institute for service quality and its independent jury awarded us for several reasons, amongbeing

The award has been handed over by Carola Ferst l, journalist of the news station-tv, ThomasEilrich, chiefed it or of the DUB Unternehmer-Magazin as well as former Federal Minister of Economy Brigitte Zypries.

“I am pleased that with this award I can pass on an even more valuable and sustainable company to my son Andreas. Already with the TOPINNOVATOR 2018 award, we were able to show that we are working future-oriented. We are very proud of the award of the German Excellence Award 2020, as it recognizes our sustainabile products and our sustainability policy, which has been practiced for over 35years” as Dr.G. Schüttpelz describes it.

The award is just another recognition of the great work at cph and shows once again that wearethe leading compay when it comes to sustainability and the production of environmental friendly products.